Morse Fellows
Morse College is a vibrant community. We would love to count you among us. The Fellows meet a few times per semester at the Head of College’s House, to interact with friends from all parts of the University and the broader community. Many play the role of Advisor for a student or two. We extend invitations to student functions such as performances and college-wide social events, welcome participation at intramural sports, and provide dining privileges in the college at lunch, all so you can meet with students, faculty, and friends. Please join us - we welcome you!
Morse Fellows Sortable List [download]
Jennifer Coggins

Community Engagement Archivist, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Jennifer Coggins has worked in the Yale Library since 2019, first as Archivist for Collection Development in the Manuscripts and Archives department and then in her current role in Community Engagement for the Beinecke Library. Before coming to Yale, she worked in the University Archives at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She received a MS in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a BA in history from Wofford College.
Archives and public history, New Haven history
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Janie Cole

Research Scholar at the Institute of Sacred Music (ISM)
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Bonnie Collier

Law Librarian
Bonnie Collier was the librarian for American History at Sterling Memorial Library before becoming the Associate Director for Yale Law Library, and currently is the Director for the Yale Law School Oral History Project.
Ms. Collier’s interests include historical research and historiography, Connecticut history, women and the law, trends in publishing and libraries, nature and changes in scholarly communication.
She is passionate about running a program at Ingalls Rink to teach inner city kids from the Wexler-Grant school how to ice skate, and she would love help from Morse students!!!! Skaters or non-skaters needed !!!!! (Wednesdays at 2:30)
As a former competitive figure skater, she is happy to meet and talk with students juggling elite sports and academics.
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Drew Collins

Associate Research Scholar at the Yale School of Divinity
Drew Collins is a lecturer, assistant director of the Christ and Flourishing program, and Associate Research Scholar at the Yale Center for Faith and Culture at the Yale Divinity School and a lecturer of humanities at Yale University. He is author or editor of three books, including Unique and Universal Christ: Refiguring the Theology of Religions, The Joy of Humility, and What is the Good life? He lives in Guilford, with his wife Mary and three children, Agatha, Archie, and Wilfred.
I play the guitar (and a tiny bit of mandolin) and love seeing live music, especially improvisational music like jazz and certain rock and roll bands. I love to ski, both x-country and downhill, and to fly-fish.
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Rebecca Cramer

Associate Director and Program Manager, International Development
Learning languages, swimming, hiking, gardening, making art, African literature.
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Matthew Croasmun

Associate Research Scholar, Yale Center for Faith & Culture
Matthew Croasmun is Associate Research Scholar and director of the Life Worth Living program at the Yale Center for Faith & Culture at Yale Divinity School and lecturer of Humanities at Yale University. He also serves as faith initiative director at Grace Farms Foundation and as a pastor at the Elm City Vineyard Church. He is author or co-author of five books, including The Emergence of Sin: The Cosmic Tyrant in Romans, For the Life of the World: Theology that Makes a Difference, and Life Worth Living: A Guide to What Matters Most.
I love playing and writing music. Soccer, basketball, and squash keep me active.
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David Cundy

President of Design Trust
David’s interests range widely among the arts, including film (the “seventh art”), avant-garde literature and music.
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Maiani da Silva

Violinist; Lecturer, Yale School of Music
Rana Dajani

Professor of Molecular Biology
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Stephen Darwall

Andrew Downey Orrick Professor of Philosophy
Stephen Darwall is the Andrew Downey Orrick Professor of Philosophy at Yale, many years after being a Morse frosh in 1964. He graduated as a Philosophy major after playing in the Band and managing the men’s swimming team. He went on to the University of Pittsburgh for his Master’s in Philosophy and then taught at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill until 1984. It was then on to the University of Michigan where Professor Darwall taught for 24 years, served as department chair for 8, and as Director of the Honors Program in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. In 2008 he joined Yale. He is deeply interested in moral philosophy and its history, and is focused on questions around the nature of moral obligation and well-being.
Prof. Darwall is happy to have lunch or dinner with interested students.