Morse Fellows
Morse College is a vibrant community. We would love to count you among us. The Fellows meet a few times per semester at the Head of College’s House, to interact with friends from all parts of the University and the broader community. Many play the role of Advisor for a student or two. We extend invitations to student functions such as performances and college-wide social events, welcome participation at intramural sports, and provide dining privileges in the college at lunch, all so you can meet with students, faculty, and friends. Please join us - we welcome you!
Morse Fellows Sortable List [download]
Brandon Nappi

Executive Director of Leadership Programs
Brandon Nappi, DMin, has over 20 years of experience as a contemplative teacher, guide, and mindfulness practitioner. Brandon is the founder of Copper Beech Institute, a global mindfulness community and training center which has shared research-based and transformative wellness practices with over 50,000 people from over 50 countries. He is currently the Executive Director of Leadership Programs at Berkeley Divinity School at Yale and is a lecturer at Yale Divinity School. Brandon is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and holds a Master of Divinity degree from Yale University. His doctoral research explored Christian-Buddhist dialogue, mysticism, and Zen meditation. He has also received extensive mindfulness training from Zen Mountain Monastery and the University of Massachusetts Medical School’s Center for Mindfulness.
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Laura Newburgh

Assistant Professor of Physics
Laura is interested in studying the past 13 billion years of cosmic history through measurements of the CMB and 21cm emission from faraway galaxies. Her work involves building instruments that go on telescopes in Chile and Canada. She enjoys running (not that she’s had a chance to do that recently), hanging out with scientists (because she only knows scientists), and using natural selection to build stronger plants through abject neglect.