Morse College is committed to supporting the ambitions of the Yale Sustainability Plan 2025. To quote the EPA, “To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations.” Some of the most impactful student contributions to sustainability at Yale start in our very own residential college! We envision a Morse where sustainability is seamlessly integrated into all aspects of student life and operations.
What can you do right now?
- Recycle your paper, glass bottles, cans, or plastic cups and bottles in the recycle bin in the Morse trash room.
- Unplug your phone charger, microwave, computer, and any other large electronic appliances when they’re not in use, so that they’re not using energy unnecessarily!
- Turn off your lights when you leave a room.
- Turn off the water when you’re not using it and take shorter showers.
- Move around sustainability! Yale offers sustainable transportation options such as bikeshare and carpooling with rideshare. Take the Yale Shuttle!
- BYO Container to the Morse Buttery or any other locations/events where food is usually served on disposable plates and utensils.
- Print double-sided in the computer room. Double-sided printing costs 40% less than single-side!
Learn more about how to get involved on the Yale Sustainability website.