Morse Fellows

Morse College is a vibrant community. We would love to count you among us. The Fellows meet a few times per semester at the Head of College’s house, to interact with friends from all parts of the University and from the broader community. Many play the role of Advisor for a student or two. We extend invitations to student functions such as performances and college-wide social events, welcome participation at intramural sports, provide dining privileges in the college at lunch or dinner, all so you can meet with students, faculty and friends. Please join us - we welcome you!

A (7) | B (10) | C (11) | D (5) | E (2) | F (3) | G (7) | H (3) | K (12) | L (4) | M (10) | N (2) | O (1) | P (7) | Q (1) | R (6) | S (15) | T (2) | V (3) | W (5)

David Cundy

President of Design Trust


David Cundy is a poet, poet, author, artist and designer, and the designer of the Yale Arms shield. His latest books are Inappropriate Anagrams (Hymnself Publishing, 2017) and More Inappropriate Anagrams (Hymnself, 2018), collections of anagrammatic poems and portraits introducing his invented poetic form, Shenanagrams. David’s premiere children’s book, Animals Spell Love (Godine, 2017), features typographic illustrations of animals spelling the word for “love” in sixteen languages. David is president of Design Trust, a corporate identity and communications consultancy, and was recently president of the Guilford Poets Guild and vice president of the Connecticut Poetry Society. A graduate of Yale’s MFA program in graphic design, David has taught and lectured at Yale, Fairfield, Parsons and Pratt.


David’s interests range widely among the arts, including film (the “seventh art”), avant-garde literature and music.

Offers assistance in:

Career advising
Mentoring in the graphic arts, poetry and literature.

Contact Information: